So here is a first mod, more like a proof of concept, changing a few Translations in Game Both for English and French Languages
English changes:
– Changed “Fuel” by “Barrels” for generic barrels
– Changed “Metal Planks” by “Metal Beams” for metal beams
French changes :
– Changed “Carburant” by “Barils” for generic barrels
– Changed “Blocs de béton” by “Parpaings” for small concrete blocs
– Changed “Consommables” by “Fournitures” for misc consumables
– Changed “Planches de métal” by “Poutrelles métalliques” for metal beams
– Changed “Cargaison surdimensionnée” by “Transport Exceptionnel” for oversized cargo
– This mod changes the initial.cache_block inside initial.pak file. Any mod modifying this whole .pak or just this individual sub file could conflict with this mod
Installation notes are provided inside the .zip file. Nothing complex, only a few steps. Note that WinRar is required.