– 80 m Extra Power Winch without the need for a running Engine
– 50% more Torque
– Big Fuel Tank
– Little Higher Suspension
– Stronger Parts
– Tires with better Grip in Mud
– Torque on all Wheels so you always need to drive in AWD, this truck won’t move with AWD disabled. The benefit is torque on every axle
– More Spare Parts for Roof Rack
To install:
– Browse to: C:Program FilesEpic GamesSnowRunneren_uspreloadpaksclient (Default file location)
– Open init.pak with WinRar (if Winrar cannot open a .pak file, right click on the .pak file and go to properties > Opens With and choose “WinRar”)
– In WinRar, browse to MediaClasses (e.g. Trucks)
– Extract the downloaded files from this website to your Windows Machine (e.g. downloads folder)
– Open a new Windows Explorer window and browse to the downloaded file and drag it into winrar. A popup will ask you to do something
– Choose under compression method: “Store” and press “OK”. Make sure to store each file in its belonging folder! Engines to engines, truck to trucks etc
– Close Winrar and start the game